Today I came out of retirement, in the sport of Handball. Today I played against Dalton, Michael, Cantave Jr. and Frankie. My partner was Brendan, a sophomore in the Williamsburg Charter High School . We played 5 games in a row, destroying all the opposition. They call me the Kobe of Handball..... and they're right. No one can deny my supersonic speed, my impeccable hand-eye coordination and of course, my sweet skills. Brendan and I busted Dalton's, Michael's, Cantave's and Frankie's asses (Yes, By ass I mean their donkeys). But not to sound boastful, I didn't even try to win, that's how good I am. The game was just too easy, like Pre-Calc or saving the world (Is there even a difference?). I taught the boys a lesson in handball they'll never forget..... the hard way. The results were as devastating as Katrina. So study hard, suckers so that when we meet in the near future, I won't bust your asses ( Donkeys!!!) as bad!!! Later for now, I'll be teaching sessions afterschool, so bring your notepads.